Silent Waters - Hike to Untersee Lake

easy Themed walks · Schladming

Tour characteristics
Distance: 3.13 km
Duration: 01:10 h
Ascent: 152 m
Descent: 152 m
Best time of year
The tour
The trail to Untersee Lake is a beautiful easy hike for families. Starting at Reiteralmsee Lake the hike leads through a clear forest to Untersee Lake. On the way to the Lake you pass by two tarns, where wooden benches invite you to sit down and to enjoy the scenery for a bit. At Untersee Lake you can cross the lake on a wooden float and enjoy the scenery from a viewing platform. Around the lake, several wooden benches invite for a break at the lake. A couple of opportunites to play with the water are waiting for the kids as well.
Turn-by-turn directions

Startpunkt dieser leichten Wanderung ist bei der Bergstation des Preunegg-Jet am Reiteralmsee. Von dort führt der Weg Nr. 66 vorbei am See und danach kurz über die Almwiese. Danach geht es in einen lichten Wald, wo nach wenigen Minuten links der Weg Nr. 66a zum Untersee abzweigt.

Über einige Serpentinen folgst Du dem Weg nun bergab bis du nach kurzer Wanderung einen kleinen See erreichst - von den Einheimischen liebevoll "Glackerch" genannt. Weiter geht es durch den lichten Wald zu einem weiteren kleinen See - dem Waldsee. Hier lädt ein idyllisch gelegenes Bankerl zum Verweilen ein.

Nach wenigen Minuten Wanderung erreichst du schließlich den Untersee. Der Rückweg erfolgt über den gleichen Weg. Wenn du möchtest ist allerdings auch eine Variante über den Reiteralm-Rundweg möglich. Dazu einfach am Ufer des Untersee entlang und am westlichen Ufer den Wanderweg zum Reiteralm-Rundweg aufsteigen.

Getting there
Take Reiteralmstraße toll road to Gasselhöh'-Hütte on top of Reiteralm.

Take the bus of Ramsauer Verkehrsbetriebe (Tuesday, Friday and Sunday) from Ramsau and Pichl-Vorberg to the valley terminal of Preunegg-Jet cable-car. From here continue by cable-car to Reiteralm (operating times at

  • Bus schedule of Ramsauer Verkehrsbetriebe:

Parking lots are available at:

  • Eiskarhütte Inn, Reiteralm
  • Reiteralmhütte chalet, Reiteralm
  • Gasselhöh'-Hütte chalet, Reiteralm
  • valley terminal of Preunegg-Jet cable-car
Hiking trail head Reiteralm
Hiking trail head Reiteralm

Changes in weather patterns, quick falls in temperature, thunderstorms, wind, fog and snow are some of the dangers that can be encountered on a hiking tour. Hosts of alpine huts and mountain refuges have a lot of experience in the mountains and can give good advice about weather and the trails. Poor equipment, overestimation of one's own capabilities, carelessness, poor personal constitution and/or wrong judgement  can lead to critical situations. In case of thunderstorms: avoid summits, ridges and steel ropes.

GPS data and orienteering

Available GPS data - just like hiking maps - is only a guidance for orientation and can never depict a trail exactly with all its details. Especially at dangerous spots it is essential to judge on site how to proceed.

In an emergency please call:

  • 140 - for Alpine emergencies (all over Austria)
  • 112 - European GSM emergency number
A well-packed backpack is helpful and especially when touring Alpine terrain a tuque, gloves, a windproof jacket and pants are standard equipment. Good, waterproof shoes, sun glasses, sun cream and sufficient beverages are essential too. Torch light, a map of the area, knie and a small first-aid kit should also be in the backpack.

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Weather forecast

in the morning
at noon
in the evening
Early clouds will clear to leave the region with a dry and sunny day.
in the morning
at noon
in the evening
Early clouds will gradually clear to leave the region with a dry and sunny day.
in the morning
at noon
in the evening
Some clouds in the morning, lateron much sunshine and hardly any clouds

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